Warren River Boatworks, Inc.
Custom Work
For Sale
About WRB
Custom Work Photo Gallery
We work with our customers to meet their specific needs, making modifications and repairs to enhance their boating experience.
Custom jib box assembly (Freedom 45, 40/40)
Custom double sheave mast head (Freedom 45, 40/40)
Custom mirror, cherry laminated frame
Dual racor filter (Freedom 45)
Dual racor filter (Freedom 45)
Engine vent loop (Freedom 45)
Faucet and hand pumps (Freedom 45)
Holding tank dual pickup tubes (Freedom 45)
Custom camberspar retainer
Bilge supports upgrade (Freedom 36/38)
Custom cabinetry (True North 38)
Custom water heater element (Freedom 45)
Custom dishwasher installation (True North 38)
Custom single piece slider (Freedom 45 CC)
Custom self-tacking traveler system for roller furler jib
Custom cabinetry - before (Saberline 37)
Custom flat screen TV installation
Custom flat screen TV (hidden)
Custom cockpit grating
Custom storage drawer
Reinforcement of traveler under deck (Freedom 36/38)
Custom cabinetry - after (Saberline 37)
Custom bookshelf
Custom windlass installation (Freedom 45)
Custom flat screen TV (raised)
Custom companion way folding doors
Mast base upgrade (Freedom 40/40)
Custom self-steering installation (Trintella 47)
Custom galley cabinetry (Freedom 45)
Custom lock holder
Stern pulpit seat (Freedom 45)
Custom dorade box
Custom cabinetry (Saberline 37)